elizabeth crane


Elizabeth Crane

& Family

Chief Canine Cuddler and Woofmaster General


Catching Tails Before I Could Walk

Let's start at the beginning, back when I was just a tiny tot. While other kids were playing with dolls or toy cars, I was on a mission: a dog-catching mission!

Yup, I was that kid, running around the neighborhood chasing after any dog that dared wag its tail in my general direction. I wasn't afraid of the big, intimidating dogs; they were simply larger cuddle opportunities.

The Mysterious "Dog Gene"

You might be thinking, "That's cute, but lots of kids like dogs." Ah, but here's where the plot thickens. I was adopted just days after I was born. Years later, when I met my birth mom, we discovered we shared more than just good looks; we both had an intense love for all things four-legged and furry.

We're not talking about a mere liking of animals; we're talking full-on obsession. I knew then that I had inherited the elusive "dog gene," a term I totally made up but fiercely stand by.

Embarking on a German Shepherd Adventure

And so, amidst our furry tales at Pooch Lovers, a special chapter was penned by the paws of some incredibly heart-stealing German Shepherds!

My journey weaved through the lovable chaos of breeding one of our Shepherds, which cascaded our lives into a joyful mess of eight bouncing, yipping puppies.

Yes, our household echoed with the innocent barks and our carpets witnessed their adorable little mischiefs! We couldn’t resist and kept and all black one, adding another chapter of love and slobbery kisses to our story.

A Partnership Sprinkled with Stardust

Navigating through the ebbs and flows of breeding was not a solo expedition. An incredible lady, Helen "Scootie" Sherlock, (owner of Caralon Kennels) renowned in the Shepherd community and an ally of the famed Monks of New Skete, graced our journey. Scootie helped them start their breeding program.

Together, we dived tail-waggingly deep into breeding, sharing giggles, worries, and eventually, proud moments as our puppies grew.

So as you paw your way through Pooch Lovers, remember each click unravels stories, snuggles, and a world where every puppy, young and old, is celebrated

My Canine Comrades: Golden Retriever and Goldendoodle

Fast forward to today, and I've got two golden fur balls, both in their senior years. Don't let their gray muzzles fool you; these two are still young at heart and always up for an adventure—or a nap, depending on the time of day.

Daisy is our third Golden Retriever and Gunner is our adorable and goofy Goldendoodle.

The Hunky Vet and a House Full of Love

Speaking of senior moments, my hunky hubby is a Vietnam veteran who has not only served our country but also serves some pretty epic belly rubs to our dogs.

From the Neon Lights of Vegas to the Heartland

Now, if you're geographically inclined, you might be curious about where I hail from. Born and raised in St. Louis, Missouri, I've always been a heartland girl.

But for a dazzling two-decade detour, I called Las Vegas home. That's right, I traded the Gateway Arch for the Strip, only to return to my roots a few years ago.

Why Pooch Lovers? Because Life is Better with Dogs

So here I am, sharing my life, love, and laughter—all wrapped in fur—with you. Whether you're new to the dog-loving community or a seasoned pro, I hope you find a comfy spot here at Pooch Lovers. Because let's face it, life is just better with dogs.

And that, dear friends, is the tail—err, tale—of me. So sit, stay, and explore Pooch Lovers. Who knows? You might just catch the "dog gene" too!

elizabeth crane
golden retriever with family

Gunner and Daisy

Our Goldendoodle and Golden Retriever